Hello from Cal King Pest Control! As we approach the end of July, it's crucial to stay vigilant about pest control. The summer heat can drive pests indoors seeking cooler environments. In this edition, we’ll cover end-of-summer pest prevention, focus on stinging insects, and discuss preparing your home for fall. Let’s ensure your home stays pest-free as the seasons change!

End-of-Summer Pest Prevention As summer winds down, pests like ants, spiders, and rodents may start looking for shelter indoors. To keep them out, inspect your home’s foundation, walls, and roof for any gaps or cracks and seal them. Declutter your garage, basement, and storage areas to reduce hiding spots for pests. Maintain your yard by trimming bushes, mowing the lawn, and removing any debris or standing water to deter pests from settling near your home.

Focus on Stinging Insects Stinging insects like wasps and bees are more active in late summer. Protect your home and family by regularly checking eaves, sheds, and trees for wasp and bee nests. If you find a nest, do not attempt to remove it yourself—contact a professional. When outdoors, avoid wearing bright colors and strong scents that can attract stinging insects. During outdoor gatherings, keep food and drinks covered to prevent attracting wasps and bees.

The Heat is Here

By following these end-of-summer pest control tips, you can enjoy the rest of the season without unwelcome guests. Stay proactive and prepared as we transition into fall. If you need any assistance, Cal King Pest Control is here to help. Wishing you a pest-free and enjoyable end to your July!


Preparing Your Home for Fall:

As we look ahead to fall, take steps now to ensure your home remains pest-free.

  • Check your home’s insulation to keep pests from finding warm places to nest.
  • Clean gutters to remove leaves and debris, preventing moisture build-up that can attract pests.
  • Store firewood properly by keeping it at least 20 feet away from your home and elevated off the ground to reduce the risk of attracting termites and other pests.