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Embrace February, Keep Pests at Bay

February brings chilly winds and, unfortunately, a surge in pest activity. In this edition, we equip you with essential tips to keep your space pest-free amidst the winter chill. From sealing entry points to identifying common winter invaders, let's make February a month of pest resilience. Join us as we empower you with knowledge and strategies to embrace February without unwanted guests.

As temperatures drop, pests seek warmth indoors, making February a prime time for infestations. Explore insights into common winter invaders like rodents, spiders, and cockroaches, and learn how to identify signs of their presence in your home.

As you fortify your home against winter pests, consider these practical tips from Cal King Pest Control. Begin by sealing entry points; inspect and seal any cracks or crevices around doors and windows that pests might exploit. Maintain cleanliness inside your home, promptly removing crumbs and eliminating potential food sources that may attract pests. Conduct regular inspections, especially in dark and damp areas like basements and attics, where pests often hide. Outdoors, trim vegetation and create a clearance between your home and landscaping to reduce potential entry points. These proactive measures empower you to create a pest-resistant environment and embrace February with confidence.


Our team offers proactive pest solutions tailored to February’s unique challenges. From comprehensive inspections to targeted treatments, we’re committed to keeping your home pest-free throughout the winter months.


Thank you for prioritizing pest resilience this February with Cal King Pest Control. Let’s navigate the challenges of the season together, armed with knowledge and effective pest prevention strategies. Stay tuned for more insights to help you keep pests at bay in the upcoming newsletters!