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Happy New Year, Dear Readers!

As we step into January, it's crucial to be aware of the pests that might make an unwelcome entrance. In this newsletter, we'll shed light on the common pests that emerge during the winter months, helping you stay one step ahead in safeguarding your home.

Explore the winter pest spotlight as we delve into the habits and behaviors of critters seeking shelter in the colder months. To prevent their entry, seal gaps around windows and doors. Invest in weatherstripping to create a barrier against cold and unwanted guests.

Discover the early signs of a pest invasion. Regularly inspect dark and secluded spaces for droppings or gnaw marks. 


Learn practical tips for winter pest prevention. From sealing entry points to maintaining a clutter-free home, these strategies create a protective barrier against winter invaders. Schedule regular home inspections, focusing on potential entry points like utility entrances and vents.


Armed with knowledge about winter pests and proactive prevention tips, you’re better prepared to keep your home pest-free in the new year. Thank you for being a part of our community, and here’s to a January filled with peace, comfort, and a pest-free living space.